Health insurance

There is only one type of health insurance in the Netherlands, namely the basic health insurance (“basisverzekering”). Everyone living in the Netherlands is obliged to have this insurance, which costs around € 80.00 per month. This has a number of consequences for people from abroad whose residence in the Netherlands is temporary. As an international student it’s possible that you need to take out this insurance as well. On this page we have summarised what this means for you as a student.

Students from the EU/EEA or Switzerland

All you need to do is demonstrate that you have health insurance in your own country by means of a so-called EU health insurance card. You can request the EHIC from your own health insurer, in your home country before coming to the Netherlands. Please be aware that this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have an adequate coverage in the Netherlands as well! With this card you are ensured of basic healthcare in the Netherlands, meaning that any healthcare provider will help you. It doesn’t automatically mean though that (all of) these costs are covered by your own health insurance. Please check this carefully with your own health insurer. It’s also possible that due to the length of your study abroad, that your health insurance doesn’t provide coverage at all. 

If you do not have an EU health insurance card, you must have private health insurance or take this out in the Netherlands.

Students from the following regions:

Australia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Vojvodina, Kosovo, Tunisia, Turkey and Cape Verde. Provided that your stay in the Netherlands is temporary and you have a special form (111), which can be requested from your insurer in your country of origin, you are covered for emergency medical care (i.e. care that cannot wait until your return to your own country). If you do not possess this form or your stay in the Netherlands will be longer than one year, you need to have private health insurance or take this out in the Netherlands.

Students from countries not mentioned above

In this situation, you must take out private health insurance in the Netherlands or be able to demonstrate that you are sufficiently insured in your country of origin with sufficient coverage in the Schengen area before you enter the Schengen area.

What to do?

•    If you want to be absolute sure that your health costs are covered, you could take out a supplementary health insurance that covers the costs your own health insurer doesn’t cover (fully). There are several providers of special insurance arrangements for incoming students such as:
•    OOM studying in the Netherlands insurance.
•    Health insurance for students above the age of 29.
There are a few (other) insurers in the Netherlands that offer special international insurance packages for students as well. Contact one of these companies for private health insurance: HollandZorg.

Are you going to get a job or do a work placement?

If you are economically active on the labor market and receive salary, basic health insurance from a DUTCH health insurance company is mandatory. You might receive a letter from CAK (“Centraal Administratie Kantoor”) about basic health insurance (“basis zorgverzekering”) in the Netherlands. We strongly advise you to look into this and make sure to always take action to prevent receiving a fine. 

Other insurances

It is also important to have proper insurance cover for liability insurance, repatriation, household contents, luggage and legal aid. The international student packages mentioned above incorporate several insurances in one package.


Avans University of Applied Sciences is not liable if a student/trainee does not have (sufficient) health insurance cover. Every student enrolled at Avans is expected to have fulfilled his insurance obligations.

Applying for health insurance

It is important to make sure you are properly insured when studying in the Netherlands. The English video by Study in NL  provides you with clear information on how to apply for health insurance and what steps to take.


More information

Insurance is a complicated subject. What's more, some of the sites mentioned above only provide information in Dutch. If you are having difficulty, contact the International Office at [email protected] or on +31(0)88 - 525 80 01. Do this in any case if you are over the age of 30, as other regulations then apply in some circumstances.