If you have a disability, there is an increased risk that you will incur study delay. We want to offer you the same opportunities as other students.
Study delay and facilities
If you have a form of dyslexia or autism, if you suffer from fear of failure or difficulty concentrating, if you have physical or psychological complaints or if you suffer from chronic fatigue, epilepsy, rheumatism or asthma, then there is an increased risk of you suffering delays in your study progress, or even of dropping out of your study programme. As far as possible we want to offer you the same opportunities as other students. We therefore offer a number of special support facilities. This starts with ensuring wheelchair-accessible buildings, but also includes tailored modifications. We want to help bring your talents to the fore. Together, we will look at what is possible, and we look beyond the study programme. There are some study programmes in which safety aspects are particularly important, for instance programmes involving laboratory work. In such cases we will also examine the feasibility together.
Equal treatment
If you have a disability or chronic illness, your rights are regulated by the Dutch Equal Treatment Act. This law also applies during your work placement and all other activities that form part of the curriculum. That is why we offer tailored modifications wherever possible. We have laid this down in the Education and Examination Regulations of our study programmes, as we are obliged to do by the government. More importantly, however, we ourselves want to have this formally laid down. That is why we have developed a policy to improve the position of students with disabilities.
Let us know
Make an appointment with one of our student counsellors before you apply. The student counsellor and someone from your study programme department will then look at the limitations you have and, more importantly, what we can do to make things possible. We will take stock of your limitations, possible obstacles and previous experiences, and think about what modifications are needed. The examination board decides whether the green light can be given for the desired modifications. In some cases, you will also receive advice on the feasibility of the study programme for you. This advice can be 'positive', 'uncertain' or 'negative'. This advice is not binding.
It's all about you
The student counsellor can also tell you more about financial schemes. In some cases, you could be eligible for an extra year of financial aid. They can also tell you about courses that might be of use to you, such as training courses on how to deal with fear of failure or dyslexia, or courses to help you become more resilient and assertive. You may even be entitled to a modified form of examination, or special software to help you with reading and writing. It's all about you. Your experience makes you the expert. You know best which solution will work for you. We will look at whether we can offer those solutions. Together we will try to make sure that you too can gain your higher professional education diploma.
Want to know more?
- Put your questions to the Student Counsellor
- Make an appointment with a student counsellor. This can be done by telephone via the Student Information Desk on +31(0)88 525 75 50, or drop by the desk at your campus
- Read in the Studying with a Functional Impairment Protocol how to submit an application and which forms you need to complete