The credit rating of this programme is 30 ECTS.
In-depth courses
9 ECTS are covered by 3 in-depth courses, these are:
- Data analysis and visualisation: You will learn how to analyze complex datasets, interpret the results, and visualize data using the software R-commander. This is a useful set of skills, as data increasingly plays a fundamental role in research and specifically the application of energy sources and waste management.
- Advanced water treatment: You will learn about treatment of polluted wastewater streams, particular from municipal sources, but also specific examples of industrial water purification and wastewater treatment will be discussed. New developments will be discussed and you will learn about the shift from “cleaning up polluted waste” to “recovering valuable resources”.
- Energy analysis: You will get an introduction in the analysis of energy systems and energy technologies. In the course, attention is spent on both energy supply and energy demand systems. The course offers methods and tools to analyse those systems.
18 ECTS are awarded for 2 projects in which groups of 4 to 5 students work on a specific topic. Workshops and field trips are included in these projects. The projects are:
- Zero carbon transition - 12 ECTS: In this project you work with your own consultancy team for an external client on projects related to sustainable energy and/or circular economy. You will be guided on consultancy skills and content.
Examples of projects are setting up a plan for a carbon neutral sports facility in the municipality of Breda and investigate how the use of alternative fuels can be increased in the industry for STORK.
- Biopolymer from waste water - 6 ECTS: In this project you will produce and analyse PHA, naturally produced polymers, from waste water. It therefore includes practical work. Besides you will assess the sustainability of this process in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. The project is set up in cooperation with our research group Biobased Resources & Energy.
Development module
3 ECTS must be earned through the professional and personal development module. This module includes elective courses and the individual profile. This module further enhances the professional skills of our students, and greatly improves their capabilities and future career prospects.