Quarter 1
Integration of theory and practice in water technology (10 EC):
The student demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of circular water technology. This includes the ability to perform area analysis, quantify available water, and apply biological, physical, and chemical purification techniques. The student will also demonstrate the ability to set up mass balances, understand sewage systems, and explore innovative technologies for water reuse. In addition to this theoretical knowledge, the student will gain practical skills, including the ability to utilize advanced modelling techniques in fluid dynamics and perform water quality analyses.
These competencies will be developed and assessed through a combination of examinations and practical assignments, ensuring that the student will be equipped to apply his or her knowledge and skills in real-world situations in the field of water engineering.
Project water chain (5 EC):
The student optimizes a part of a given water chain of a real-life project in a multidisciplinary group, based on the principles of circularity, taking into account the water quality, water quantity and the environment. The students make one design sketch from all partial results and relate this to the relevant SDGs 6, 9, 11, 13 and 14. (SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13: Climate action and SDG 14: Life below water.)
Quarter 2
Group internship (15 EC):
The student applies circular water technology knowledge and skills to a case study at a company in a multidisciplinary group. This results in a relevant professional product for the company.
Examples of companies:
Water boards, such as Waterschap Brabantse Delta, Waterschap de Dommel, Waterschap Aa en Maas, or a drinking water company, such as Brabant Water, or engineering and environment consultancy, such as Sweco, or water technology company, such as Water Future or Pure Water Group, etc.