ACT - Act for Change Together

In this minor, you will work with a variety of courses to choose a social issue under supervision. You will learn to build a community with relevant stakeholders who recognize the problem (a coalition of the willing) and want to move it forward.

Learning Objectives

  • New economy: a professor is part of the teacher team  > 10 ec
  • Systemic thinking: with this method, we guide you to your personal subject > 6 ec
  • Stakeholder management: with your team you will explore who is your coalition of the willing >  6 ec
  • Research: all training sessions, masterclasses and tutor group meetings, the critical thinker in you as a person will be central > 4 ec
  • Communication: to create impact the ways to communicate will be explored and applied > 4 ec

The minor ACT recognizes 3 phases:

  1. In the first phase of 3/4 weeks we guide you to find a challenge that touches you as a person. To find this personal subject you also must deepen several subjects. 
  2. In the semester's middle phase, you will focus on the (social) enterprises that experience the same problem. This is your coalition of the willing. 
  3. Your ultimate goal is to create impact. Impact that does not end when your minor is finished. How to create impact will be in alignment with your coalition of the willing.

Ofcourse a super team of teachers and researchers will be present to guide you through the process.   

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements. Students from all disciplines can participate, the more diverse the better.


There is no prescribed literature. For the workshops several sources will be provided to read, watch or research.


An introduction programme will give you the opportunity to meet your fellow students. Moreover, you will receive all the information you need about your programme to have a successful start.


The minor is full-time and can be started twice a year.

During the week there are several workshops in which we work on your competencies in:

  • Well-being economy and new entrepreneurship
  • Working transdisciplinary
  • Learning and researching for transition

We start and end the week together and have 2 fixed moments for in depth study. The rest of the time you work on your challenge. During the whole week you can work at our own location, together with others. 


At the end of the minor you will provide a suitable concept as the final part of your development to enable you gain a pass mark.