You are curious about what you can learn from other disciplines. You want to contribute to society from your own passion and talent. And you think it would be cool to set up and implement your own project. Then this programme is something for you.
You will enter the minor with your own experience, talents and goals, and from there formulate a cross-sector challenge with which you would like to contribute to society. Your challenge contributes to one of the minor's topics. These themes stem from the subject of the minor: well-being economy and new entrepreneurship. Examples of themes we are working on are: entrepreneurship in the neighbourhood, smart & liveable city and urban agriculture.
When you have formulated your challenge, you will further define the subject, determine your design method and organise the network you need to realise your goal. And then you will get started. Of course, we will guide, coach and inspire you. At the end of the minor, you will present your development and design in your own, personal and fitting way.